PPT Slide
Kate Christenson, M.D. Kaiser-Permanente, Oakland CA
Ron Dominque Foghorn Ventures
June Forkner-Dunn Kaiser-Permanente
Susanna Fox Pew Internet & American Health Project
Gilles Frydman Association of Cancer Online Organizations
Joe & Terry Graedon PeoplesPharmacy.com
Cheryl & Alan Greene, M.D. Stanford University School of Medicine /DrGreene.com
John Grohol, Ph.D. PsychCentral.com
Daniel Hoch, M.D. Massachusetts General Hospital/patientweb.org
Thomas Houston, M.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham
Diana Laurent, Ph.D. Stanford University School of Medicine
John Lester Massachusetts General Hospital/BrainTalk.org,
Kate Lorig, Ph.D. Stanford University School of Medicine
Edward J. Madara American Self-Help Clearinghouse
Karen Parles lungcanceronline.org
Lee Rainie Pew Internet & American Health Project
Richard Rockefeller, M.D. Health Commons Institute
Daniel Z. Sands, M.D. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School
“Twenty Really Smart People”